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Microcurrent! My first love in the treatment room. I launched my business with MC as the cornerstone of my business. In fact, my microcurrent machine was the first major purchase I made. I still have my machine and I am SO glad I have “her.” But owning the machine and understanding it are two different things. What you can not see when I’m working is that I am constantly checking the Hertz and connection to be sure it’s not too high. If I see muscles jumping it’s too high. And this is important to know. Too many influencers and even some professionals encourage their viewers to ramp up their machine until the muscle is visibly contracting. But here’s what they don’t know. MC is effective, MORE effective when used in the lower settings. Higher settings, microamp, and hertz exhaust the cell (aging), and this is counter to what we are trying to achieve. Used correctly, MC will recharge the ATP of the cell and re-educate the muscles. Another unwanted side effect of using MC incorrectly is loss of facial fat. In fact MC is used in some spas on the body for this very purpose.

So what prompted this email? I just finished watching a great video today where scientist and pharmacist, Lililya Khasin explained microcurrent on Aeducator. She confirmed what I learned several years ago which is that 500amp is the max when applying microcurrent. Beyond that, there is cell exhaustion and negative to zero benefits.

I hope this is helpful and a good reminder for those of you who like to use MC at home or are considering buying a home device. I recommend the Clareblend Mini or Nuerotris Pico toner (this one is hands-free!) And don’t forget to incorporate fascia release using an Anma or through facial massage. Fascia release will increase and help lock in your results. I’m always happy to show you how to do fascia release at home or point you to a tutorial.

Benefits of MC and Fascia release:

Increased lymphatic flow

Increased circulation

Increase the electrical potential of cells (and scar tissue)

Re-education of facial muscles

Overall, both are healing, increase skin vitality, and have zero downtime. All results are accumulative.

And lastly, don’t forget, you can book microcurrent as a stand-alone treatment or request it as part of your facial. Almost everyone can benefit from microcurrent with a few exceptions.

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